
Welcome to my website

System Engineer

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Persona sonriendo

I'm Alberto Velasquez, and I will solve your problem.

I am a system engineer with solid knowledge of the software development process, expertise with Azure cloud services, and an aptitude for software architecture. I like to solve problems creatively, use technology, and innovate in any area by looking for a potential solution that fits the case and achieves the objectives.

In my free time, I like to play the bass guitar, listen to music, research topics related to software development, and train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


Jun 2023 - Currently


Tech lead
  • Lead projects focus on digital sale like credit cards and mutual funds
  • Lead multidisciplinary team with backend and frontend developers
  • Develop solution using Spring, NestJS and Angular
  • Define cloud solution architecture
  • Adopt new architecture as Module Federation for frontend and GraphQL Federation for services
  • Architectural considerations for technical solutions.
  • Estimate time solution and resources required to achieve the project goals
  • Participate as a technical interviewer for semi-senior candidates for the project

Feb 2022 - May 2023

Engineer - Interbank project
  • Developed GraphQL services with NestJS
  • Developed Rest services with Spring
  • Split a big common service into microservices, reduce traffic, and separate concerns
  • Applied development strategies like DDD and TDD
  • Did API documentation with OpenAPI
  • Built infrastructure in Azure with Terraform
  • Developed serverless API with Azure function
  • Led a backend developers team
  • Taught and mentored junior and trainee roles
  • Gave one technical speaks about Quarkus and the possibility to migrate
  • Gave a speech about one project of the bank, architecture, and technologies
  • Technologies used: Java 11, Sprint Boot, Maven, TypeScript, NestJS, Azure Kubernetes Services, Azure Logic App, Azure Service Bus, Azure Data Factory Azure Function, JUnit5, Mockito, Bitbucket Pipelines, JMeter, Terraform, MS Sql Server, MongoBD, New Relic, Logstash

May 2021 - Jan 2022

Back-end junior - Alicorp project
  • Developed services using Spring Webflux
  • Applied TDD to develop features
  • Developed GraphQL services with Hasura
  • Did API documentation with Swagger and Notion
  • Added a new feature to the core library for a specific non-blocking Redis dependency
  • Technologies used: Java 8, Spring Webflux, Maven, Azure Kubernetes Services, Azure Logic App, Azure Service Bus Azure Function, Postgresql, MongoDB, JUnit5, Mockito, JaCoCo, Hasura
DevOps junior - Alicorp project
  • Provisioned of Azure cloud infrastructure with Ansible and Terraform
  • Developed jenkins scripted pipeline refactoring using Groovy
  • Supported Developers with infrastructure
  • Did cloud infrastructure documentation in Notion
  • Technologies used: Java 8, Spring Webflux, Maven, Groovy, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible

Mar 2021 - Dec 2022


Full-stack developer
  • Deploy applications in Heroku
  • Unit tests using JUnit5 and Mockito
  • Back-end development with Spring
  • Front-end development with Angular 10
  • APIs documentation with OpenAPI
  • Configure Google Kubernetes Engine, Container Registry, and Compute Engine
  • Deploy applications in Kubernetes Engine
  • Implement a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline
  • Integrations with SonarCloud and Jfrog infrastructure
  • Integrations with Prometheus and Grafana
  • Manage activities in Jira
  • Technologies used: Java 11, Sprint Boot, Maven, TypeScript, Angular, NPM, JUnit5, Mockito, Jenkins, Google Compute Engine, Google Container Registry, Google Kubernetes Engine, PostgreSQL, Heroku, SonarCloud, Jfrog, Prometheus, Grafana

Pumped Skills:

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During this time, I could develop and improve the following soft and technical skills to do my best as a professional System engineer in my area of expertise.

  • Time management
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Efficient communication
  • Design patterns
  • Software Architecture
  • Backend development
  • Android development
  • DevOps

Technologies & Tools

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SQL Server

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Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnológica

Specialization in Digital Architecture & Cloud

2017 - 2022

Universidad Tecnológica del Perú

Bachelor in Systems and Computer Engineering


  • DevOps architect course
  • Spring Webflux and React course
  • Spring Boot and Angular course
Alianza Francesa
  • French course - Basic
  • AWS Serverless for Java Developers
  • Principios SOLID y Clean Code
  • JavaScript Moderno
  • Event-Driven Microservices CQRS, SAGA, AXON, Spring Boot
  • Guia Completa JUnit y Mockito
  • NestJS: Creando aplicaciones Back-end
Centro cultura de la lengua portuguesa
  • Portuguese course - Advanced
Idiomas PUCP
  • English course for adults - Advanced

My Services

Based on my experience in back-end development and mobile application for Android, you could hire me as a freelancer for a while or pay per hour to develop your future mobile APP or back-end services.

Android Development

This service includes meetings to get all the requirements for your mobile application, visual logic, consume external API, UI design, and develop the functionalities related to the front layer for Android. Therefore give you documentation about the APP, bits of advice, and maintenance for one month.

Backend Development

This service includes meetings to get all the requirements to achieve your business context and purpose. Then develop the technological solution in the backend layer. Also, I perform integrations with external web services and applications. The delivery is in the client's environment. Therefore give you documentation about the API, bits of advice, and maintenance for one month.

My Recent Works

See my last projects on my GitHub site to appreciate how I usually work. Also, its have a brief description and a simple installation manual if you want to try it out in your local environment.

From Medium blog

The followings articles are related to software development and are the last three published on Medium.

Get in Touch

Feel free to get in touch with me by LinkedIn. Also, support my new tech content on Medium and YouTube.